Kwob Kaalak supports people experiencing homelessness in Rockingham and Mandurah through assertive outreach and ongoing case management.

Kwob Kaalak is a Noongar phrase meaning “good home”. The name reflects our aim to ensure that people sleeping rough in Rockingham and Mandurah are supported into permanent accommodation and provided with the support they need.

If you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness in Rockingham or Mandurah, contact us.

Kwob Kaalak Logo

The Kwob Kaalak logo is based on a painting by Elder Aunty Millie Penny.

Housing First Mandurah & Rockingham

Kwob Kaalak’s Housing First Support Service is a coordinated approach to the needs of people experiencing rough sleeping in Rockingham and Mandurah. Staff work with people to address the complex issues impacting them and to connect them with housing and specialist supports. Support is flexible and responsive to individual needs, with staff aiming to house people as soon as possible (depending on housing supply) and continuing to work with them once housed to ensure they can maintain their tenancy.

Delivered by St Pat’s as the lead agency, in partnership with Ruah Community Services and Wungening Aboriginal Corporation, the service is funded by the Government of Western Australia through the Department of Communities.

Department of Communities
St Pat's Logo Landscape
RUAH Community Services
Wungening Aboriginal Corporation

Assertive Outreach Service – Rockingham & Mandurah

The two Assertive Outreach Services are delivered by St Pat’s and funded by the City of Rockingham and the City of Mandurah respectively.

Assertive Outreach Services provide targeted outreach and support to persons experiencing homelessness. Staff engage with rough sleepers, assess their vulnerability and ensure they are recorded on the By-Name List. We work with the person, local service providers, and the Housing First workers to ensure housing and support needs are met and people are connected into long term supports that meet their needs.

City of Rockingham
City of Mandurah

Contact St Pat’s