Return-it to your community
St Pat’s have partnered with Return-it and Containers for Change to support recycling efforts in our community.
The St Pat’s Depot at Cockburn Central provides a hassle-free way for you to recycle and get cash back for your aluminum, glass and plastic 10c containers.
By returning your containers to St Pat’s Depot, you’re not just supporting your environment. We receive a percentage of the depot’s total profits, with the funds going directly to our vital services to help people experiencing homelessness.
It’s now even easier to donate your cans using the ReCollect App!
No time to drop off your containers? Download the ReCollect App, create a personal or business account and you can book a container pick-up service!
Register your own Container ID to receive your refund or donate to St Pat’s using our Container ID C10288851, keep track of the number of containers you’ve collected, your refund amounts and your environmental impact!